Help your managers manage
Jun 17, 2024
Dear Senior Managers,
If you want to have more time and to do more with less, you've got to stop letting your managers and team members escalate everything to you. Here are a few things you can try:
1) Help your managers manage by creating clarity with them about the scope of their decision making powers.
2) Empower them to say 'no' appropriately by setting up a clear 'yes'. It's way easier to say "I'm sorry I can't/my team can't do that right now because our priority is this."
3) Set the example of what good accountability looks and feels like. Many managers aren't having robust accountability conversations because they've never seen it modelled.
4) Get out of the way. Instead of stepping in to save situations or people, try hanging back and asking your managers what they need. You might be surprised by the answer.
Give it a try and let me know which one was most helpful for you.