Keep the main thing the main thing
Oct 19, 2023
"Keep the main thing the main thing." Brendon Burchard, High Performance Habits
"Begin with the end in mind" Stephen Covey, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
“Remember that if you don’t prioritize your life someone else will.” Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less
Your team needs one priority. It can be big enough to catch all of the work streams but boil it down to just one thing.
The discipline this requires may be challenging to you but it's worth it when you do it.
Some of you may have heard my story about the Director who slammed my JD down on a meeting table and demanded to know what my current work plans had to do with the overall purpose of my role. It's the same sort of thing.
Although it was confronting to be challenged in that way, it was also an incredibly powerful leadership act to make me responsible for aligning how I was spending my time with the priority of the team.
It made it easier for me to focus and to say no to the extra projects that looked like fun or felt easier to do but would actually be a distraction overall.
Do this for your team, albeit in a less aggressive manner, and they will thank you for it in the long run.